Web designing

Website Design Tips to Improve Search Engine Rankings

Many things play an integral role ti building a website with improved search rankings. Although the buzzword to increase your search rankings is SEO, other factors like proper keyword analysis, mobile optimization, streamlining the UI and UX, and using quality backlinks also play a major role.

In this article, we shall find out about the website designing tips that help improve search rankings. So let’s begin…

Posting Quality Content With SEO

To help increase your rankings one thing you surely cannot ignore is the quality of your writing. You have to be a master in developing unique and intuitive content that is well-refined and researched with SEO done.

Apart from a good writing skill you need-

  • Proper keyword analysis and research
  • Use of multiple keywords on your webpage
  • Developing blogs and separate web pages for each keyword
  • Using tags for headlines and sub or micro headings

Google provides its inbuilt tool the Google Search Console that helps you monitor your rankings of your newly posted content.

Improving your website’s load speed

The speed at which your website loads is a key feature for search rankings of your website as per Google norms. A higher loading time will also mean having high bounce rates since no users will stick around that much time on your website till it loads.

As per data and research, it seems that improving the load speed of your website can also help boost conversions by nearly 80%.

Optimizing Images on the Website

Often it is seen that amateur website designers spend too much time building the UI and web content rather than looking at the minute details that also help improve search rankings. For example, optimizing images on each webpage in your portal.

The simple tip here is to use keywords or user searches while describing an image. Using Alt text helps Google crawlers to understand and rank your images. You can also use Ahrefs to find images on your website that need Alt text.

UI/UX design

Optimizing the structure and navigation on your website is also a key feature to improve rankings on web searches. Plus, with an intuitive front-end design users will also spend more time reducing bounce rates on your website.

To optimize the UI on your website you need to focus on-

  • Using simple and attractive colors, fonts, and typography with solid and bold colors
  • Integrate a search engine on your homepage
  • Using an innovative menu design to structure services or products on your website according to categories

Studies show that a structured website makes it easier for crawlers to index pages on your website which is critical to help your webpages rank on search engines.

Well-Optimized Website for Smartphones

Optimizing your website to run seamlessly on smartphones and mobiles is also a key feature to increase rankings. For this, you can use Search Engine optimization tools like Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool and find out if your URLs are mobile-friendly and load fast.

As per research, more and more users use the internet from smartphones for online searches and access to websites. A responsive design of your website that fits into the mobile screen is helpful to increase rankings and boost traffic to your website.

Optimize Meta Information

The meta tags and meta descriptions are back-end information about your website that helps build search rankings. Developing mastery in crafting solid meta tags and meta descriptions with main keywords inside the webpage helps increase your rankings.

Creating Internal Links on Your Website

Your website has numerous pages in it so it is critical to link them. This helps crawlers with indexing webpages to better search rankings. A quality internal page linking also helps users to gain more information about relevant searches.

A pro tip here is to always use anchor texts. These provide information about the link to the other webpage simply to the users and crawlers.

Earning Backlinks To Your Webpage From Other Websites

The more quality backlinks you have on any webpage, the higher it will rank on searches. Even Google’s crawlers while going through your content would check if other websites have links to your webpages.

If your website links with other top-ranked websites on Google, your website ranking will surely get a boost.

How to earn quality backlinks?

  • Posting unique content with well-researched information, stats, data, and numbers
  • Reaching out to bloggers to see if they want to link your webpage to their blogs
  • Creating connections with influencers in your niche to promote your brand through content

Final thoughts

Designing a website to gain higher search rankings is not a one-time job. You have to keep posting content regularly, update your previous content, create internal links, reach out to others for backlinks, update old content with new keywords, and so on.

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